Center for Agrarian Research and Food Security

V.G. Rastyannikov Readings

17 – 20 марта 2025 года

International Conference «The Fifths V.G. Rastyannikov's Readings»

From March 17 to March 20, 2025, the Center for Agricultural Research and Food Security and the Department of Economic Research of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences will host the International Conference «The Fifths V.G. Rastyannikov's Readings»: Increasing role of the BRICS group and partner countries in the global economy and politics.

17 – 20 марта 2025 года

国际会议 «第五届维·格·拉斯季亚尼科夫讲座»



The Center for Agrarian Research and Food Security, the Department of Economic Research of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences holds a Conference "V.G. Rastiannikov Readings" every two years.

The conference "V.G. Rastiannikov Readings" has been organized since 2018. The conference is devoted to topical issues of socio-economic development of the countries of the East and problems of international economic relations.

The work of each conference involves discussing one of the most important areas of modern development in Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania. Orientalists of various fields are invited to participate in the conference: economists, historians, political scientists, sociologists. The participation of young scientists, postgraduates, graduate and undergraduate students is welcome. The conference is attended by representatives of the leading scientific and educational centers of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, India, China, and the Republic of Korea. The geography of the participants is constantly expanding.

Responsible organizers: I.V. Deryugina, Ph.D. in Economics, I.V. Deryugina, Head of the Center for Agrarian Research and Food Security of the IB RAS, Ph.D. in Economics, E.V. Rastiannikova.