Центр научно-технологического сотрудничества и аграрных исследований
14 – 16 февраля 2022 года
The 3rd Conference “Readings of V.G. Rastyannikov": A New Globalization Stage and the Countries of the East in the 21st Century”

The conference was organized by the following departments of the Institute of Oriental Studies: Center for Agricultural Research and Food Security, the Center for Indian Studies, Department of Economic Research.
The 3rd conference “Readings of V.G. Rastyannikov” is a regular event and is held once every two years. More than 100 people took part in the conference in total, 83 of them made presentations. The conference had the status of an All-Russian conference with foreign participation.
The participants were researchers from scientific and educational centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok, Sevastopol, Tyumen, as well as colleagues from China and the Republic of Korea.
The conference was devoted to understanding the new stage of globalization - the trends that have developed in the 21st century. Its purpose was to discuss the impact of globalization and internationalization processes on socio-economic problems in Asia and Africa in the 21st century.
Summing up the results of the 3rd conference “Readings of V.G. Rastyannikov" one may note the highest interest of the scientific community in the globalization issues of the 21st century. The conference made it possible to unite orientalists from all over Russia and to comprehend the variety of approaches to assessing the globalization results in the Asia and Africa countries.
17 – 20 марта 2025 года Международная конференция «V Чтения В.Г. Растянникова»С 17 по 20 марта 2025 года Центр аграрных исследований и продовольственной безопасности, Отдел экономических исследований Института востоковедения РАН проводят «Международную конференцию V Чтения В.Г. Растянникова»: Возрастающая роль группы БРИКС и стран-партнеров в мировой экономике и политике. |